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Security Services _


We said it back in 2012: the next 10 years will be an age of cloud adoption and security awareness on a level never seen before.

Today threats are real, even more sophisticated, calibrated, and monetized to take advantage of poor coding, social engineering, trusted zones, and lack of enforcement of security focused policies. Their goal is control and put your personal data at ransom. 

Every second of every day, thousands of robot networks on the Internet constantly probe and attack business networks daily. Your firewall should be designed and configured to protect you from known and emerging threats.

Thousands of fake emails get sent ever second to trusted sources asking them to log into fake sites with real accounts to access fake documents. Your email systems should be design and configured to mitigate phishing, name spoofing, and mailbox hijacking attacks. Any sensitive content via email like credit cards and passwords should be protected in transit and at rest.

Data on storage should be protected at rest, and company owned devices geotracked.

On the daily, the news of major company security and data breaches keep putting your personal information at risk. You should receive alerts if your passwords have been leaked on the internet dark web or if a website you know has been breached.

You should migrated towards password less security using hardware tokens, software token apps, or biometric solutions such as Touch ID.


Managed IT Services

Complete IT Support _

We provide immediate mobile device, phone, desktop, laptop, server, and network support for major vendors including but not limited to Dell, HP, Toshiba, Avaya, Mitel, Lenovo, Apple, Microsoft and Cisco.

Network Assessments _

How is your computer network doing? We will run through over 200 metrics to assess how well or poorly it is running. We'll produce a report of our findings and discuss our recommendations.

Vulnerability Assessments _

We perform penetration testing on your firewall, and internal penetration testing on your office network and cloud services. We report software and hardware vulnerabilities found, and make recommendations on mitigations.

Service Request Tracking _

All your service requests get assigned request numbers and are assigned to an engineer. We will provide you updates via email or by phone. 

Network Maintenance _

We periodically perform maintenance tasks, updates, and check on your backups on a weekly basis. We will review logs and take appropriate actions to remedy issues before they surface and cause downtimes.

Network Monitoring _

We will monitor the health of your network, services, and servers. From the bandwidth your Internet line is using to the free space left on your server, to how busy your server is working. We monitor software and hardware events as well.

Project Management _

We're formulate plans to upgrade equipment, software, and services and manage the project completely. We'll provide timetables and meet with you to discuss progress reports.

Lets Get Started Today _

Envision One Solutions


Accenture Center

Chicago, IL 60661

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T: 1-800-675-4945

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